PTE Academic Exam Practice Sample Questions with Answers

Hello PTE Aspirants, Giving PTE Exam? We are providing some retell lecture, essays, summarize written text, fill in the blanks, summarize spoken text, essays – PTE Exam Topics and Questions. These PTE exam topics are shared student who sat for PTE Academic exam recently. Here is PTE Academic Exam Practice Sample Questions with Answers.

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PTE Academic Exam Practice Sample Questions with Answers

Re-Order Paragraph:

(A). The same is probably true of estimates of trade balance flows.
(B). Feinstein has emphasized that all eighteenth-century data are subject to major errors of measurement.
(C). However, the error of measurement of the stock of debt is wider, since the series is built on past data, which are particularly sensitive to the choice of outstanding debt at the beginning of the period and to the interest rate.
(D). He has conjectured that the pre-1870 series display a margin of error in excess of 25 percent.

Essay: should rich nations help poor nations

Read Aloud:

Achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight can be challenging. A person must sustain a careful balance between calories consumed and energy expended in order to maintain his or her recommended body weight and must consume fewer calories than expended in order to lose weight. To reverse the current U.S. trend toward overweight and obesity, many Americans need to consume fewer calories and be more active.

Describe Image:

Write from Dictation:

  • The Axis Powers occupied Yugoslavia and split it up.
  • The Supreme Court gave the matter to the magistrate’s court.
  • You don’t just get a group together and say ‘hey let’s try this.

Retell Lecture:

Answer Short Questions:
The process of copying data from the internet to home computer. – Download
How many thousands are there in 1 million. – 1 Thousand
What do you call the middle of something? – Center

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