PTE Academic Listening Practice Sample Test No. 2 – Highlight Incorrect Words
PTE SAMPLE TEST LISTENING HIGHLIGHT INCORRECT WORD – Hear recording carefully and find out the incorrect words which are different from the transcription and what the speaker(s) said. These type of question requires you to listen for and point out the differences between a recording and a transcription.
PTE Academic Listening Practice Sample Test No. 2 – Highlight Incorrect Words
3 – Listen to the audio and point out incorrect words.
Propaganda as defined by The Institute for Propaganda Analysis “Expression of opinion or action by individuals or groups deliberately designed to influence opinions or actions of other individuals and groups with reference to predetermined ends.” Propaganda generally used symbols such as flags, monuments, and publications. Approaches to shaping perceptions and actions through the manipulation of information are some forms of propaganda.
For Answers Click HereAnalysis, designed, actions, some
4 – Listen to the audio and point out incorrect words.
We don’t hurt our fellow citizens or burden our government in prosecuting or punishing us for our crimes. Everybody must look at the evolution of different theories of nation building. But sometimes nation-building by the one nation destroy others like today first nation seek to re-build cultural identities as nations in order to challenge their disintegration by others in the creation of their own states.
For Answers Click Herecrimes, nation, order, own