PTE Practice Test 2 – Describe Image (Process) – PTE Academic Speaking

PTE Describe Process – Look at the diagram below, study it in 25 seconds and give your answer in 40 seconds. These type of questions assesses speaking skills and requires test takers to describe images like a graph, map, chart, table or picture.


2.- Look at the process below and describe it in 40 seconds.

This is an exercise of a natural process diagram in another common question type in PTE speaking exam. This is a process which shows nine stages that really challenges you to speak about all diagrams in 40 seconds. In this process, 25 seconds will be given to study the diagram.

PTE Speaking Process 2: Model Answer Task 2

PTE Practice Test 2 - Describe Image (Process) - PTE Academic Speaking


This is a natural process of volcanic island grows from beneath the sea, explodes, and then eventually sinks to become an underwater reef. You should know that actual diagram is about which will lead you to speak better. It has nine parts and you have to speak for every part to score better.

It is a natural process of Volcanic island. In first two stages Preshield and Protoshield stages, it is a process where mountain gradually builds under the surface of the sea. In the third or explosive phrase, hydro-explosion occurs which deposit ash cone. A large number of cinder cones then pile up to form a shield on top of the volcano.

Gradually shield erodes and subsidies to form reefs below the surface of the sea. Still, there are volcanic activity lava flows. By the time of Coral Atoll stage the volcano disappears, and the whole formation sinks under the sea during Guyot stage.

Conclusion: A huge volcano rise and fall under the sea in a natural process known as volcanic island growth cycle.