Save Girl Child Essay
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Save Girl Child Essay
Women and men are equally required to balance the society and nature, however, people consider women inferior to men and usually indulge in practices like female foeticide, dowry and many more illegal activities that indicate their mentality towards a girl child. A woman is essential for the growth and development of a country and must be regarded as equal and in fact superior to men because she is the one who gives us life. Therefore, it is important that people should understand the significance of a woman in life and save a girl child to save an emerging woman.
People nowadays abort a girl child as they wish to have a boy child because according to them a boy can run a family and can protract their family. This is such orthodox thinking and must be chucked out from society. A woman is the fate of society and should be given the equal opportunity so as to see the nation prosper. Well, the government has taken various steps to save the girl child as many campaigns have been started such as Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Andolan which was started with the objective to encourage the society to save the girl child.
Government has also imposed a ban on the sex determination tests carried out in the hospitals that leads to crimes like female feticide. And the one who practices it is given severe punishment by the court of law. All these steps are taken to ensure that society should not consider girls as a burden and must welcome them into the world with full zeal and enthusiasm.
A girl child should be given equal respect and must be given a chance to prove their worth to society. Hence, people should stop practising evils like abortion of girl child and dowry system and start loving daughters as they are the one who will keep the nation flourishing.
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