Smart City Essay
Smart City Essay – Hello Students today we are going to learn Smart City Essay for all classes. The essay was asked in SSC exam and in 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 class. Sometime you may get a question like “Essay on Smart City Mission” and “my city smart city essay”.

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Smart City Essay
Smart City mission, is an urban renewal and retrofitting program by the government of India. On 25th June 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched this mission with an objective to develop 100 cities across the country having core infrastructure, harnessing technology and a clean and sustainable environment.
This mission works under the guidance of the Ministry of Urban Development a total of 48000 crores has been approved by the Indian Cabinet for this po mission.
Cities accommodate 31% of India’s population and contribute 63 per cent of GDP (census 2011). Urban areas are to house 40% of India’s population and contribute 75% of India’s GDP by 2030. This required comprehensive development of physical, institutional, social and economic infrastructure. The core infrastructure elements of the mission are adequate water supply, assured electricity supply, sanitation including soil waste management, efficient transport, good governance, sustainable environment, safety and security of citizens, robust it connectivity and health and education. The strategic components of a smart cities mission are city improvement (retrofitting) City renewal (redevelopment) and city extension (Green Field development) plus a pan-city initiative.
There are some challenges too, like low allocation of budget, lack of centre-state coordination, less number of skilled manpower and advanced technology, corruption at centre and state level etc.
However, this problem can be solved only by the active participation of citizens, funding from International bodies like World Bank, the participation of private players and Independence to local bodies to recognise the need of cities in a decentralised way.
In this way, Smart City mission, an innovative and new initiative by the government of India will drive economic growth and improve the quality of life of people.
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