Multiple Choice Choose Multiple Answers PTE Listening Test 6
Multiple Choice Choose Multiple Answers PTE Listening: Listen the audio first to answer multiple choice question. Select the correct responses from all the given options. Here is Multiple Choice Choose Multiple Answers PTE Listening Test 6.
Multiple Choice Choose Multiple Answers PTE Listening Test 6
11. – Listen to the audio and answer the question.
TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
Welcome to the Business Model Innovation course. My name is Chander, Chander Velu. I am one of the members of the faculty at the Judge Business School of the Uni of Cambridge. My research interest is in, particularly in the area of innovation, with general emphasis on business model innovation. As many of you know business model innovation has become very critical on the agenda of many senior management across corporations. Senior management continuously feel these days that business model innovation is the basis upon which competitive advantage can be enhanced. This is similarly reflected in the academic arena professors and researchers across the world are focusing on business model innovation and trying to understand what is the basis upon which innovation particularly business model innovation can be promoted. What I would like to do here today with you is to share some of that research findings in order to garner and think about what are the issues that firms need to think about in order to promote business model innovation as well as some of the barriers that firms need to overcome in order to encourage business model innovation.
Question – Why is business model innovation receiving so much attention these days?
Options –
1. It is a main area of research at the Judge Business School of the University of Cambridge
2. It is the basis on which senior management wants to build up competitive advantage
3. It helps companies compete more effectively in an increasingly global market
4. Professors and researchers are spending a lot of effort to understand what is the basis upon which business model innovation can be promoted
5. It can help the firms overcome barriers to innovation which is critical for success these days
2 and 4
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