Multiple Choice Choose Single Answer PTE Listening – PTE Academic Test
PTE Multiple Choice Single Answer – Listen to the recording carefully and answer the multiple choice question by selecting only one correct response out of all. Here is Multiple Choice Choose Single Answer PTE Listening – PTE Academic Test.
Multiple Choice Choose Single Answer PTE Listening – PTE Academic Test
11. – Listen to the audio and answer the following question.
Question – What is true about the tube food, based on this passage?
1. Deb Haly and Dan Nattress are the inventors of tube food mechanism
2. Military uses tube food mainly because of the variety and convenience
3. Natick Soldier Research Centre in Massachusetts is the leader in food technology
4. Tube food technology has come a long way over the last couple of years
TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
This is tube food and yeah it is exactly what it sounds like – meals encapsulated in things that look like toothpaste tubes and they come in all types and flavours, from entrees to desserts and even soups and meats. The assortment of tube foods is varied and vast. So why is military packing these culinary concoctions into such convenient compartments. Believe it or not its all about quality. See more..
Last two or three years we have come a long way form where we were when we used to puree things. So, it was kind of like baby food. However, the process has changed.
The change in thought process to adding more texture and building more layers of flavour instead of just being a puree. Deb Haley and Dan Nattress work at the Natick Soldier Research Centre in Massachusetts. Basically, they are the food experts behind the fantastic food tubes.
#Right Answer: 4
Tube food technology has come a long way over the last couple of years
12. – Listen to the audio and answer the following question.
According to the passage, what is it that the bigger group wants?
1. The community should identify the ninety-nine percent
2. The need of more punishment for the top one percent
3. To draw attention towards the problems faced by the ninety-nine percent
4. To draw attention towards the strength of the bigger group
TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
More than punishing the one percent what they are saying is – we are the ninety-nine percent, what about us? See more..
#Right Answer: 3.
To draw attention towards the problems faced by the ninety-nine percent