PTE Academic Reading – Re-order Text 2 Practice Sample With Answers
PTE Reorder Paragraphs – In these type of questions, you will have to rearrange the given text to make a meaning full passage. The test taker is required to be familiar with the organization and arrange text in a single correct order. If you are facing problem in solving Reorder paragraphs, read our tips and tricks on Reorder Paragraphs.
6 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A]. The new group took up rather a militant attitude against other castes, especially those which were popularly regarded as immediately higher or lower than the caste which it represented. [B]. The sub–castes that joined together to create a big group retained their internal feelings of exclusiveness with undiminishing vigour. [C]. Taking another point of view, that castes should be slowly abolished by consolidation of the sub–castes into larger castes, scholars have said that to propose this point is to miss the real problem. [D]. Thus, scholars claimed that the spirit of caste patriotism or casteism is created; and diminishing of casteism would be very difficult and it would create an unhealthy atmosphere for the full growth of national consciousness. [E]. This method, they claim, was tried in Bombay for a number of decades but the results were disastrous. For Answers Click HereC – E – B – A – D
7 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
1. As manufacturing continues to shrink in an economy, overall growth will increasingly depend on boosting productivity in services.
2. Policy should therefore focus on removing obstacles (such as trade barriers and regulation), to such productivity growth, and creating a labor market in which workers can move freely from factory employment to services.
3. Protection and subsidies push just the wrong way.
4. But those who would tackle this by subsidies or trade barriers are missing the point.
5. De-industrialization causes problems in economies unable to absorb the workers released by manufacturing
For Answers Click HereE – A – C – D – B
8 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A]. Capitalists are able to purchase labour power from the workers, who can only bring their own labour power in the market. [B]. This is what Marx meant by “surplus value”, which he saw as “an exact expression for the degree of exploitation of labor-power by capital, or of the laborer by the capitalist”. [C]. Value is determined by a good’s particular utility for an actor, if the good results from the human activity it must be understood as a product of concrete labour, qualitatively defined labour. [D]. In a capitalist economy, workers are paid according to this value and value is the source of all wealth. [E]. Once capitalists are able to pay the worker less than the value produced by their labour, surplus labour forms and this results in the capitalists’ profits. For Answers Click HereD – C – A – E – B
9 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A].Post offices and Public sector banks could supplement micro-credit institutions in this regard. [B]. They are trusted institutions, and have already built up credit and savings channels for the poor. [C]. In a recent paper, Wouter Van Ginneken of the International Labor Organization has argued that micro-finance institutions could play an important role in providing social security. [D]. To overcome this weakness, Ginneken suggests that micro-credit organizations should outsource the insurance part of their business. [E]. But one problem is that most micro-credit institutions are small and lack expertise in the insurance business. For Answers Click HereC – E – D – A – B
10 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A]. Besides this physical appearance, I couldn’t even blow up a balloon without holding my nose, and when 1 bent to drink from a fountain, the water spilled out of my nose. [B]. When my schoolmates asked, “What happened to your lip ?’ I’d tell them that I’d tell them that I’d fallen as a baby and cut it on a piece of glass. [C]. Somehow it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born different. [D]. They saw me as a little girl with a broken lip, crooked nose, lopsided teeth, and hollow and somewhat slurred speech. [E]. This was because I was born with a cleft palate, and when I started to go to school, my classmates, who were constantly teasing, made it clear to me how I must look to others. [F]. At a very young age, I knew was different and I hated it.F – E – D – A – B – C
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