Reorder Paragraphs Exercise For PTE Academic Exam Test Paper 3
PTE Reorder Paragraphs – In these type of questions, you will have to rearrange the given text to make a meaning full passage. The test taker is required to be familiar with the organization and arrange text in a single correct order. If you are facing problem in solving Reorder paragraphs, read our tips and tricks on Reorder Paragraphs.
11 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A]. Once dry, the paper may then be rolled again to produce a watermark of even thickness but with varying density. [B]. A shaded watermark, first used in 1848, incorporates tonal depth and creates a greyscale image. [C]. The resulting watermark is generally much clearer and more detailed than those made by the Dandy Roll process. [D]. Instead of using a wire covering for the dandy roll, the shaded watermark is created by areas of relief on the roll’s own surface.B – D- A – C
12 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A]. The figures given are based only on estimates. [B]. Registration with the employment exchanges being voluntary, not all the unemployed register their names in the exchanges. [C]. Though it is often repeated that there has been an alarming rise in unemployment in our country since Independence, the exact number of unemployed persons is not yet known, as no survey has been undertaken either by the Planning Commission or by the National Simple Survey (NSS), or the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) or the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI). [D]. The estimates only take into consideration the number of persons registered in the employment exchanges and these employment exchanges cover mainly the urban areas. [E]. Further, some of the registered persons are already employed but register again to seek better employment. For Answers Click HereC – A – D – B – E
13 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A]. It is evident, therefore, that the ants of each community all recognize one another, which is very remarkable. [B]. However, they are in hostility not only with most other insects, including ants of different species, but even with those of the same species if belonging to different communities. [C]. I have over and over again introduced ants from one of my nests into another nest of the same species; and they were invariably attacked, seized by a leg or an antenna, and dragged out. [D]. The communities of ants are sometimes very large, numbering even up to 500, 000 individuals. [E]. And it is a lesson to us that no one has ever yet seen a quarrel between any two ants belonging to the same community. For Answers Click HereD – C – B – A – E
14 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A]. During the colonial era, the British government regarded the hundi system as indigenous or traditional, but not informal. [B]. Official hundi forms were produced incorporating revenue stamps bearing the image of British monarchs, including Queen Victoria, and disputes between merchants often entered the court system, so in no way was the system an underground one even though it did not take place through normal banking channels. [C]. The hundi is a financial instrument that developed on the Indian sub-continent for use in trade and credit transactions. [D]. Hundis are used as a form of remittance instrument to transfer money from place to place as a form of credit instrument or IOU to borrow money and as a bill of exchange in trade transactions. [E]. They were reluctant to interfere with it as it formed such an important part of the Indian economy and they also wished to tax the transactions taking place within the system. For Answers Click HereC – D – A – E – B
15 – Re-order / Rearrange the sentence in such a way that make sense.
[A]. The change of rock composition most responsible for the creation of magma is the addition of water. [B]. But near or above about 1,500 °C in the absence of water. [C]. For example, at a depth of about 100 kilometers, peridotite begins to melt near 800 °C in the presence of excess water. [D]. Water lowers the solidus temperature of rocks at a given pressure. For Answers Click HereA – D – C – B
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