Line Graph PTE Describe Image Template – Practice Test 4
Line Graph PTE Describe Image Template – You have 25 seconds to recognize the image. Describe the image including important keywords in your own words in about 40 seconds. Here is – Line Graph PTE Describe Image Template – Practice test 4.
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PTE Describe Image Template ( Line Graph )
# PTE Describe Image Template Sample Question no. 1
This line graph compares the percentage of unemployment between the ages 16-24 and overall population in London and rest of England from the year 1993 to 2012. The highest unemployment was for age group sixteen to twenty-four in London and in rest of England with 25% and 20 % respectively in the year 2012. The overall unemployment rate in London and in rest of England was less than 10% in the year 2012. In conclusion, there was a decline in overall unemployment well rise in unemployment in age groups of 16-24 over the period given.
# PTE Describe Image Template Sample Question no. 2
The line graph compares the three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and 2015. In 2000, company A produced 12 tons of waste while companies B and C produced just around 8 tons and 4 tons of waste material respectively. Over the following five years, the waste outputs of company B and C rose by around 2 tons but the figure for company A fell by approximately one ton. In conclusion, the amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably.
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