Read Aloud PTE Practice Test 11
Read Aloud PTE Practice Test 11 – Read Aloud is a long-answer speaking item type. It tests your ability to read a short text aloud using correct pronunciation and intonation. It assesses both speaking and reading skills. Here is Read Aloud Practice Sample 11.

PTE Read Aloud Practice Sample
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Read Aloud PTE Practice Test
31. Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
Another method governments use to try and influence the private sector is economic planning. For a long time now, socialist and communist states have used planning as an alternative to the price mechanism, organizing production and distributing their resources according to social and strategic needs, rather than based on purely economic considerations.
32. Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
Most succulent plants are found in regions where there is little rainfall, dry air, plenty of sunshine, porous soils and high temperatures during part of the year. These conditions have caused changes in plant structures, which have resulted in the greatly increased thickness of stems, leaves and sometimes roots, enabling them to store moisture from the infrequent rains.
33. Read the text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible.
Foodborne diseases for new diseases are acute illnesses associated with the recent consumption the food. The food involved is usually contaminated with a disease pattern or toxic though such food contains enough passages for toxic necessary to make a person sick. So bacterial agents such as salmonella and Campylobacter are the important cause for the foodborne diseases.
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